Dental health is not just a “mouth” issue

Well, did you know that periodontal disease is linked to heart disease?

It is. And yes, I am here to scare the daylights out of you!

Put mildly, poor oral health links your teeth to your heart. And you thought you could avoid going to the dentist.

Bacteria is in tremendous number in one’s mouth, so imagine if it should get from an infected gum, into your bloodstream, and bingo, to your heart. Not good, right?

Please see this article for more information on periodontal disease, which affects at least 10 to 15% of the world’s population. Will you allow this to become a health issue for you and your family?

If fact, if you do not have a dental plan, and say are self-employed looking to cut expenses, then Houston, we have a problem if you think that not going to the dentist is the route for you and your family.

Here’s an interesting article for further reading.

Here’s the deal….

If you are self-employed it really is an issue of priorities, tax savings, and many other issues to streamline your business, to make it the most “bottom line” conscious it can be. We have all “wasted money”, and what’s the sense of working for everybody but yourself?

Call us, and we can set you up with good advice and other professionals that specialize in their respective fields, to ensure you are taking advantage of all you can, so you can get to that dentist appointment.